Don’t allow your online visitors to become lost sales opportunities, enable your visitors to simply tell you what they are looking for and about their part exchange if they have one.
Close on more “In the moment” shoppers visiting your website by enriching their digital to physical journey
Driver Self Appraise is a unique vehicle appraisal application unlike any other in todays market. We have adopted a fresh “customer centric” approach to an industry problem which can seriously affects the value of used vehicles across all automotive sectors.
Cost effective and self funding solution that drives informed decision making on Upstream remarketing
Increase the visibility of your customers cars they wish to sell or part exchange
Make sure your online part exchange proposition enables your website visitors to provide more information on their own car, so you can respond with a bespoke valuation based on condition.
Our part exchange self appraisal link technology enhances your existing offering, providing choice to your online shoppers and servicing them in a way that maintains their motivation.
No complicated IT
integration required
as we only wrap your
branding around our
technology to create
your bespoke branded
self appraisal weblink.
Driver Sales – the most lucrative and cost effective way to remarket end of contract lease vehicles.
DRS have a wealth of experience and a proven track record of delivering this premium upstream remarketing channel. Our commercial knowledge blended with IT experience has enabled DRS to create the next level of driver sales technology, improving sales enquiries and sales conversions.
Achieve higher sales values than traditional remarketing channels
Reduce days in stock costs by selling more vehicles upstream